In the industrial expanse of Almassora, located in the region of Castellón in Spain, stands a building owned by BECSA, which has been selected for the Spanish demo.
This property is a single-storey industrial building with an area dedicated to office activities. It has a rectangular shape and four facades. The facades are made from concrete block masonry with no cavity or insulation, and their upper part is capped with a steel-coated sheet covering.
In this demonstrator, the focus will be directed to the office segment of the building, whose facade faces southeast. The foundations are made from hydraulic concrete masonry and its walls are made from concrete block masonry. This office area offers the ideal setting for our demonstrator, since it will feature a test room to implement the insulation retrofitting solutions and a reference room left uninsulated for comparative analysis.
This work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
The SNUG consortium is committed to including gender and intersectionsality as a transversal aspect in the project’s activities. In line with EU guidelines and objectives, all partners recognise the importance of advancing gender analysis and sex-disaggregated data collection in the development of scientific research.
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